Sunday, December 31, 2006

VIPizza in Bayside, Queens NY

If you are every in Bayside, New York and you are looking for a slice of pizza for lunch or any other time, then you should check out VIPIZZA on Bell Blvd. The address is 43-02 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, NY (718) 229-9311.

While I am not impressed by their round cheese pies, but I believe this place specializes in Sicilian pizza. Honestly, I really hate pizza blocks, but I must say, their Sicilian slices are subperb. As I sat and really study what I liked about the pizza, I realize what makes it one of the better breeds. It is the crust. The bread has a really rich taste that combinates well with the Italian tomato sauce. The cheese is layed heavily to offset the fluff of the dough.

You have to try it for yourself. I think you'll feel the same about it.


The Objective

The purpose of this blog is to report on what I believe are the best pizza loctions with in the City of New York. There are a lot of pizza places out there, and a lot of them are phonie parlors, plain awful at making halfway etible pies. I will voice my opions of the best and why.

What are my creditials?

In my spare time, I often travel around NYC looking for the ultimate SLICE. I am a vegetarian who is not lacto conscious, so I eat a lots of dairy. Unfortunately, I can't cook to save my life and the last time I tried, I burned down 8 condos units, put many families out on the street including my own. I think I am sort of an expert, since I happen to eat out 90% of the time due to my lack of cooking skills. Of that 90% dinning on the streets of New York, 30% of my eatery habbits happens to be pure Pizza.

Please enjoy my view, if not slap me and tell me to shut-up! This is a serious topic, so I can openly accept any negative thoughts of my beliefs.
